iHRIS Training Program Materials and User’s Manuals


Train data entrants, iHRIS users, and HR managers participating in the pilot on how to use iHRIS.

We have provided a full set of training materials adapted from various iHRIS training programs. These training materials were developed for training users in iHRIS Manage, but can be adapted for any iHRIS training program. They include a sample agenda, evaluation forms, and a presentation template. We have also provided user’s manuals for iHRIS Manage, Qualify, and Train to hand out at the end of the training. The HRH Global Resource Center hosts an e-learning course for iHRIS users that can be used as the basis for a training program or that users can take on their own to learn how to use iHRIS.

iHRIS Training: Concepts

Training iHRIS users is critical to the success of using the system for decision making and improvement of population health. Since implementation of iHRIS will introduce new workflows, tasks, and processes, users need comprehensive training followed by effective monitoring. At the systems level, there are many users of the system with different functions and responsibilities, but for training purposes all the users can be divided into three groups:

  1. High-level officers responsible for decision making and resource allocation (Minister of Health, Permanent Secretary, department or division heads)
  2. Data/project managers responsible for creating reports and high-level database management, data quality assurance, etc.
  3. System administrators responsible for the technical aspects of the database, such as maintenance, offering technical support to users, and upgrading users’ computers.

The training curriculum should be designed to address the functionalities and responsibilities of each group. To be more effective, the trainer can conduct rapid assessments of each group to determine how they currently work and what challenges they face. During training, highlight these challenges and explain how iHRIS can mitigate them.

As part of the introduction, it is important to present a global view of iHRIS, its various modules, and how it provides data for decision making. This approach increases participants’ awareness of the important role they play, no matter how mundane their job may seem to them.

All data entrants will need to know the following after training:

  • Overall functions of iHRIS, modules being used, and purpose of collecting health workforce data
  • Why data standards and lists are important
  • Policies and procedures for ensuring data quality and security
  • How to use a web browser to log in to iHRIS and change user password
  • How to interpret data collection forms or health workforce data registries and transfer that data into iHRIS
  • How to update records or enter additional data when there are changes
  • How to get help when there are problems
  • How to import large numbers of electronic records into iHRIS (if applicable)
  • How to print lists and reports and how to make simple graphs
  • How to export the lists and reports in different formats (PDF, excel, zipped files)

Data or HR managers should be trained in how to do everything a data entrant can do, but they need additional training to understand the database and standardized data lists. They will also require training in maintaining iHRIS from an administrative level, which includes these tasks:

  • Set up and manage user accounts and roles
  • Perform routine backups
  • Make simple changes to lists
  • Run standard reports and edit report views
  • Check data for accuracy and interpret data-entry logs
  • Enforce data-quality procedures.

Plan for training to take three to five days. Users should have access to iHRIS as part of the training, so personal computers and a reliable Internet connection need to be available. In case the training is taking place offsite and there is no Internet connectivity, a copy of the database can be copied into a computer that will be used as a server. A router and multi-Ethernet switch can connect the server to the trainees’ computers.  While you should provide printed user’s manuals at the end of the training session, don’t teach from the manuals. The goal is for the trainee to be able to use the system without referring to the manual except when troubleshooting a problem.

During the training, let participants enter data as part of the hands-on exercises. To assess the skills of the trainees, give them real-world scenarios to complete. For example, ask groups of trainees to enter actual health worker records in the system. Each group presents their work and is evaluated. Review any mistakes or issues that come up with the entire group to reinforce learning.

In order to meet deadlines, you may choose to hold separate trainings, training pilot data entrants first so they can immediately begin entering data, followed by a more thorough training for those who will be using and managing iHRIS regularly. Have all trainees assess the training and incorporate suggestions as applicable in later trainings.